When Life Backs You Into a Corner

If you are on this planet with the rest of us There are moments when it feels like life has backed us into a corner. We face hardships, and yes, sometimes life honestly sucks. But just as rain clouds pass, so too do our trials. The sun emerges, shining it's brilliance on us. A reminder of our … [Read more...]

The Extraordinary Power of Nature vs Technology

Wow, have we humans gotten off track We find ourselves navigating through a reality that often feels plucked from the pages of a science fiction novel, abandoning the very essence that nurtures, soothes, replenishes, and heals our weary spirits. Yes, I'm referring to nature – that which … [Read more...]

Evolving Your Future Self: Severing Ties

What? Sever ties you say! You may ask, "Why consider the dramatic move of severing ties?" However, ponder this: holding onto outdated thoughts and actions is akin to clinging to a flip phone in the age of smartphones. Sure, we're all aware of the potential drawbacks of the latest and greatest, but … [Read more...]

The Dynamic Duo: The Indispensable Role of Truth and Trust

Why Truth and Trust Matter Truth holds immense significance, for anything diverging from it, in my perception, often manifests as either a falsehood or a deliberate distortion of the truth. Trust is the bedrock of genuine connections in our lives, making the pursuit of truth paramount for … [Read more...]

Beyond Challenges: Finding Hope and Resilience in the New Year

Throughout our lives, we inevitably encounter challenges that test our resilience and strength In the chronicles shared on my "Living in Courage" blog, I've delved into the narrative of triumphing over some of life's most formidable obstacles. The year 2023, however, has proven to be particularly … [Read more...]