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Looking For Change?

Debra Oakland is founder of Living in Courage Online – A Spiritual Oasis for Overcoming Life’s Biggest Challenges. Debra’s story and passion to teach others how to live a life in courage, has been featured in major media outlets including TV, radio, magazines, and best-selling books.


Life requires a certain amount of courage on a daily basis. Courage is a key component to developing the inner strength needed to overcome challenges and obstacles. I believe that by sharing experiences in and around courage, we can all make a difference in each others' lives.

You have a voice, you have a choice. Apply both daily and you will be on the road to personal freedom.

Together we can do this.

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“I AM blessed in peace and harmony. I AM a fascinating symphony.”
Debra Oakland
“Life is your movie production. You are the writer, director, editor and producer. If you don’t like what you are experiencing, re-write the script.”
Debra Oakland
“Inner strength is a powerhouse of activity that when exercised daily will take you beyond any levels of outer strength you can imagine.”
Debra Oakland
“Absorb yourself in each moment slowly savoring the gift of life, remembering miracles are available in every moment. Your ‘Naturally Occurring Wonder’ exists NOW!”
Debra Oakland
"Create masterfully, courageously, fearless of opinion and watch your personal masterpiece emerge."
Debra Oakland
“Love is EVERYTHING – who we truly are in the essence of our soul. Love expands from our hearts when we allow it, to embrace the whole Universe.”
Debra Oakland
“Courageous individuals who are true to themselves feel a powerful resolve that is unshakable, a true conviction of purpose, a willingness to carry on in the face of any challenge.”
Debra Oakland
“You are the writer, director and producer of your life. Make sure you write yourself in as the Shining Star of your story!”
Debra Oakland


Fearless by Design: Building a Life of Courage and Strategy

Courageous living in the modern world I was thinking about the one thing that separates people in a significant way. I concluded it is - a difference … Continue reading

The Shock of The New – How to Adapt to Unexpected Situations

Adaptability is a key component to mental and physical survival. Life flows more effortlessly when we stay flexible, yet keenly aware. My question … Continue reading

Mavericks: Life’s Purpose with a Dash of Courage, Bravery, and Laughter

I recently heard someone say... "If you have no purpose in life, what's the sense of it all?" I mulled this over for awhile. My feeling is this, … Continue reading