Mavericks: Life’s Purpose with a Dash of Courage, Bravery, and Laughter

I recently heard someone say…

“If you have no purpose in life, what’s the sense of it all?” I mulled this over for awhile. My feeling is this, “What’s the sense of it all without love, courage, bravery, common sense, and laughter?” We come here to experience novelty. You can call it God, Soul, Billy Bob, or whatever lives and breathes in you. There is a deeper part of us, which I am very grateful for, that guides and directs us. This guidance is available if—and only if—we pay attention. My dad was a bit of a maverick in his own right. He used to say, “Common sense, it’s not so common.” I agree wholeheartedly.

I truly admire people who make a bold impact in the world

My admiration and respect for these people is given if the impact they make is ‘purposefully backed’ with integrity, truth, courage, and the intention to do no harm. No matter if the action is big or small, the outgoing and incoming stream of ripples affects everything. No two people are exactly alike. Each of us has a unique individuality. The more time you spend on this earth, you realize the world is like a movie. Only the actors and scenery change over generations, but the overall story remains the same. Nature just keeps doing its thing, perfectly in tune with Earth’s rhythms and cycles. Meanwhile, humans are frantically trying to manage everything, including nature herself—our greatest teacher. I can only imagine her rolling her eyes at our antics.

Novelty deep within us wants to experience itself in different ways

We search for love and laughter, longing to be brave – courageous. Simply by living on planet Earth, we experience much which requires us to live in courage, (the reason this website was created) and in many cases creates our purpose. I admire people who find their one true purpose in life. I have too many varied interests that have called to me over my life. People talk about living a purpose driven life. There are courses everywhere to help you figure out your ‘true’ purpose. I firmly believe that ‘purpose’ is a deeply personal and unique experience, residing within each of us. This purpose may express one way or 50 different ways. There is no singular right or wrong path. As humans, we like to think we know what is best for others, and may not approve of their choices. We really can be judgemental assholes sometimes.

Mavericks – we tend to put them on a pedestal

I know my inner Maverick is alive and well. I am sure yours is as well. In a world of uncertainty, much of it lacking integrity, decency and honor, we may need our inner Maverick to step ‘out’ to be brave and courageous. It’s just a seed I want to plant in your mind. I’ve written extensively over the years about challenging times to come. I believe we are here now. Over the years many people have told me one of their purposes in life is to be strong, brave, and courageous when times get rough and tough, and others cannot do it for themselves. Providing kindness, emotional support, encouragement, understanding and compassion to others, not a bad purpose, don’t you agree? A dash of courage, a BIG dose of laughter, and a hug. I call that a winning combination.

There is a Maverick living in each of you, so embrace it, and let it loose when the time is right…


  1. Another fantastic piece, this has to affect everyone who reads it. It sums up everything we could do to make our lives so much happier and easier. Hopefully, we all have a little Maverick in us.

    • Debra Oakland says

      Thank you for this comment BJ! xo


      So relevant in our ‘talking head’ world – i find peace by having no TV for oveer 23 years – ‘Bad news Box’
      radio is going to end up our greatest help – Trust we can find a gettinng together before end of summer
      My best to you both xo pt

  2. I loved your message about purpose and courage. Like you I feel we all have more than one and courage helps us take action and do what we feel guided to do. Love you!

  3. Love this article and love your new health hacks!
    So appreciate you!

  4. Love this article! I love the idea we all have a little maverick in us. And that it’s ok not to have a single purpose but to have many and being there with love and kindness for those around us is a life purpose in itself for us all, especially when times are tough and challenging.

    • Debra Oakland says

      There is something about the word maverick that speaks to most of us: kindness, yet not allowing others to push us around, especially in tough and challenging times. Thanks for your comment, Sally!