How Does Your Integrity Affect The Lives Of Others?

My husband Cody and I recently met three awesome women at a local cafe. They shared a community table with us in the bar area. The conversation was lively and steered toward VC’s. My husband threw out the words Vulture Capitalists, and a couple other choice words to describe many of these companies. My husband is a co-founder of, and to their credit have raised all their capital through friends and family, without using VC’s. Come to find out, these three women are in the midst of starting their own Venture Capital company by women, for women. They are building a business that is integrity/heart based and purpose driven. Their success in this business will allow them to make a difference in the world while following their dreams of helping others. No vultures here!

The five of us chatted about personal integrity and how it directly affects the lives of others. As the conversation continued, I realized I had found the perfect topic for my July Living in Courage E-News that goes out the first day of each month to my subscribers. We are living examples and by expressing our best selves, we affect everyone who crosses our path. With integrity in place, we can be assured our life truly reflects who we are, elevating not only ourselves, but others, to new heights.

Meeting these three bright inspiring women prompted me to introduce them, and their soon to launch 360 Venture Collective, to my friend Ande Lyons who I have featured many times in my E-News over the years. Ande’s Startup Life Live Podcast is a perfect connection for these women that was meant to be. Right time, right place. We are catalysts for change if we stay open to new experiences and opportunities. Say this to yourself often, “My life is my message.”

Those who have an “agenda” that is out of integrity are always looking for ways to help themselves, not others. We all know people like this. Living from the outside in does not bring joyful life experiences. Living from the inside out is our living guidance system. I think of it as our blueprint for life. Connect yourselves with people who help others, sharing their good energy, and consciously choosing to make a difference in their own unique way. I call this a win win!

Years ago I wrote Integrity Is. In this article I share a story of a successful businessman growing old. He knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his directors or his children, he decided to do something different…


  1. Sally Coles says

    I love this article! Integrity is everything and if we live with integrity we will always be living the best version of ourselves.