The Neglected Garden

My friend Steve Tallamy is a guest writer here at Living in Courage. Steve has written "The Neglected Garden" from the heart.  Steve is a nature lover who is very connected to Mother Earth, and her beautiful kingdoms. I look forward to sharing his articles once a month, which are sure to be filled … [Read more...]

How Was The Trip? A Story On Perspective

My friend Chris Cade shared this story recently and I want to share it with you.  I do not know the author, but love the wisdom his story bestows.  It's all perspective! One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how … [Read more...]

Honoring Caroline Reynolds

A dear friend, Caroline Reynolds recently passed away.  Caroline lived in courage, and was a special light to many people around the world.  One of her longtime friends Michele Knight wrote the words below on Caroline's website.  I could not have said it better, so I am sharing Michele's words with … [Read more...]

The Manifestation Maven In Action!

I wanted to introduce you to Kimberly Schneider, The Manifestation Maven, who I had the pleasure of meeting recently. Kimberly is the creator of The Cornucopia Method of Manifestation™, a powerful and proven 5-step process that has helped thousands of people all over North America create more of … [Read more...]

Owning Pink Roars Courage

If you love to live your truth, tell your story, feel your pain, express your joy, take what you need, and give what you will - You will love Owning Pink.  This is an amazing online community, that supports, offers guidance, inspiration and ideas.  This is done through posts, workshops, and the Pink … [Read more...]