Jamie Oliver's TED prize talk, makes the case for an all-out assault on our ignorance of food. Jamie spoke at TED2010 this February in Long Beach, CA for 22 minutes, about the state of world health, or rather the lack of it. Jamie is reaching out globally, with courage and passion. Remember the … [Read more...]
The Real Terrorist IS War – Choose Peace Now
Mike Prysner tells of his feelings during the war, how the war woke him up to the truth of what is really going on. This video is amazing, to say the least. It took great courage for Mike to speak out. This video touched my heart to the core. Please share this with others who believe we can all … [Read more...]
Haiti – Everyone Matters
Each and every person is connected by a common bond. We are ONE. Everyone matters. This video aired during NBC’s coverage of the Opening Ceremony of the Vancouver Winter Olympics on Friday, February 12th 2010. The recording took place on February 1st, 2010, in the same studio as the original 25 … [Read more...]
Live Courageously by Choice
“The only place you can live in the land of not enough, is in your own mind.” Debra Oakland … [Read more...]
Courageously Eliminate Fear and Doubt!
When you tap into your Inner Power Source, you will find courage at the center. This "source" of who you truly are, fears nothing. The less evolved self, or the little "I" can live in fear and doubt. It really is time to stop this bondage of our spirit, by living from the inside out. Living from … [Read more...]
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