Oscar Wilde Has Shown Me Courage

I can’t get enough of Oscar Wilde's wisdom, brilliant wit and charm.  It takes a person living in courage to accomplish the things Oscar Wilde did. I feel influenced by him to live each day more courageously, more authentically. Do you know Oscar Wilde wrote Fairy Tales?  They are magical, filled … [Read more...]

Using Courage Through Art for Inmates

This video is fantastic and speaks of living in courage and making the choice for change. Convicts create a mural with the encouragement they never got on the outside. These inmates are inspired to never come back. For the full story follow this link - This Week Live Watch the video interviews … [Read more...]

Wealth, Success & Love

I love this story, it is about courage and choice.  At this time many people are making new choices in many areas of their lives.  Some of these choices have been forced because of the present state of the economy and some just look at the world differently now.  Whatever the reason, it takes … [Read more...]

Be An Architect of Courage

I am so inspired by people right now.  I see people around the world coming together for great change.  In the face of change I see Courage. It is deeply ingrained in our essence, our soul.  Courage can be tracked through the history of the world, it is an essential part of our humanity. Maybe you … [Read more...]

The Courage To Accept Something New

The wind tasted like sweet wine as I walked through the vineyard.  I noticed a feeling of excitement as I moved forward. The courage to accept something new. My body tingling with anticipation.  Each step into the vineyard spoke volumes about my life. Years of crazy adventures moved behind me.  A … [Read more...]