Nick Vujicic has no arms, no legs and more enthusiasm than 10 people. If you fall down, if you fail, what are you going to do? Good question. Watch what Nick has to say about it. This is just another person who represents Living In Courage to me. Nick and people like him make this world a … [Read more...]
Living Courageously in 2009
I feel such a surge of change as we move into 2009. People are forming global communities online and on land. This is a time to stay strong, live from a place of courage, honoring your right to life. There is a shift going on in almost every aspect of our lives. A palpable feeling. I find it … [Read more...]
Michael Beckwith on "Increasing Life"
This is an excerpt from The Science of Getting Rich. We deserve to be rich in all areas of our life. Not just financially. Enjoy this video and the words of Dr. Michael Beckwith. Happy Holidays from Living in Courage Online - Debra Oakland Click on Read More to see Video … [Read more...]
Courage & Love Through Technology
Do you recognize that through technology (internet - cell phones) there is a quiet movement among people? A movement towards peace. Despite the collapse of many systems and the diversification of human destruction, there is a massive awakening. People are becoming strengthened to face down the … [Read more...]
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