Sean Swarner Climbs Mt. Everest

At 13 Sean Swarner was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer. After grueling chemo and radiation treatments, he went into remission. By the time he was 15, Sean was diagnosed with Askins Carcinoma. There was a tumor the size of a golf ball on his right lung. This kind … [Read more...]

Randy Pausch Update – June 2008

June 21: The Congressional Record Back in the fall when I testified before Congress, representative Roybal-Allard hosted me,and she was also kind enough to have this very flattering entry put into the congressional record... Health-wise, I continue to regain strength in the hopes of trying … [Read more...]

Think Differently

Do you have the courage to think differently. To believe what you know is right, deep down in the core of your being. The people on this video had courage, each helping change the world in their own way. We don't all have to change the world, but we can change how we react to everything that … [Read more...]

Tiger Woods Courageously wins the U.S. Open

We talk about courage and the many people who embody this great quality. Tiger Woods represents courage to many throughout the world. At the 108th U.S. Open golf tournament at Torrey Pines Golf Course in San Diego, California on June 16th, 2008 Rocco Mediate's final putt failed to win. 358 strokes … [Read more...]

Michael Jordon on Failure

Michael Jordon tells of his failures and why they presented him with the greatest success. Never quit, never give up your dream, push through every obstacle. Learn from Michael Jordan and all those who have succeeded in life. Make it your job to understand how they used courage to be successful … [Read more...]