Living Courageously in 2025: How to Thrive Through Life’s Biggest Changes

As we step into 2025, change is inevitable for all of us, on many varied levels. This can cause fear and uncertainty. To gain a positive perspective, think about this: Shift and change give us an opportunity to adapt and thrive, making us more resilient, kicking our courage levels into high gear. … [Read more...]

Owning the Courage to Live In Courage

Have you noticed the landscape in the outer world has changed? I know y’all, I have been beating the drum about a massive shift coming and I wanted you to be prepared to own the courage - to live in courage. To be able to adapt with fortitude in shifting times. The world as we knew it is a shadow … [Read more...]

The Nature of Reality & Being Pushed to Your Limits

o We Are Primal Beings When pushed to our limits we react in a variety of ways. Fight back, flee, or freeze? After some 'hopefully' non-reactive thought, we choose how we will respond. Having been through a great deal in the last few years, choosing a personal path to follow has become the norm. … [Read more...]

Fearless by Design: Building a Life of Courage and Strategy

Courageous living in the modern world I was thinking about the one thing that separates people in a significant way. I concluded it is - a difference of opinion. Think about anything that unsettles people. It's a different opinion or point of view individuals are unwavering on. This includes … [Read more...]

The Shock of The New – How to Adapt to Unexpected Situations

Adaptability is a key component to mental and physical survival. Life flows more effortlessly when we stay flexible, yet keenly aware. My question to you is, "How well do you think on your feet in entirely new situations?" Change is a natural part of life. When we do not accept  and adapt to … [Read more...]