Observing Life – All My Life!

I have been observing life, all my life. What I have observed is that we humans have developed habits from childhood programming that are very difficult to extricate ourselves from. If this is not a fact, why is the world no more at peace than it was thousands of years ago? Not to be morbid here, … [Read more...]

Wisdom Speaks

It is through experience that knowledge becomes wisdom. Wisdom is a great gift that connects to us through our soul and speaks to our hearts as we experience life. When properly applied, wisdom can assist us to enjoy a life well lived. What do you strive for in your life? Do you allow the wisdom in … [Read more...]

Chasing Centered-ness!

Here I sit, needing to center myself as I begin writing this article. My first thought is that being centered is - free. No charge, no expectations, judgements or blame. Off I go to take a deep calming breathing break....join you in a few. Here is the The Theme Song for Jeopardy to listen to until … [Read more...]

Empathy – A Matter of Degrees

I think of empathy as being able to connect to the thoughts and feelings of another when they are going through a challenging experience. When our understanding of their experience mirrors our own, it feels as though we have walked in their shoes. Empathy is a matter of degrees. For example, my … [Read more...]

Integrity Is…

"No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything." - Unknown Author Integrity is doing the right thing at the right time, regardless of circumstances. I think we can agree, integrity shows a persons true … [Read more...]