Inner Strength Trumps Outer Strength

"Inner strength is a powerhouse of activity that when exercised daily will take you beyond any levels of outer strength you can imagine."   - Debra Oakland The buzz about living from the inside out is everywhere these days. If you think this is easy, think again. If you want to fly more expansively … [Read more...]

Oh, The Critics!

Criticism, judgment, gossip, blame, worry, anger and fear. Oh, The Critics! This family of negativity turns our vibratory energy into molasses – quicksand to our good, making it very difficult to step out of, and just as dangerous. Choosing to engage in activities of love, peace, harmony, joy, and … [Read more...]

Self Improvement is Self Alignment

Think of your inner power as regenerative, a deliberate creation at it's best. This is more than self-improvement, it is self alignment; reorienting our self to produce a positive and powerful alignment of our Mind, which brings us back to center, back to balance, and puts us in control of our … [Read more...]

Mental Chatter Can Lead to Clarity

Mental chatter can lead to clarity. Today I had more than my share of chatter and needed some mental clarity. I found out that some important aspects of my upcoming book were not in order, this was news to me! Panic for a few minutes. Then, a bit of self-pity and distraction thrown in for good … [Read more...]

Validation – Internal or External?

Article by Debra Oakland Validation - internal or external? Do you need to feel validated and if so, how and why? I like to think of internal as living from the inside out, external - living from the outside in. Many people look to others for a sense of self-worth. It starts in childhood and … [Read more...]