The Reality of Inner and Outer Beauty

                      “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” -Elisabeth Kubler-Ross You … [Read more...]

What Does Joy Feel Like?

                          "Where does depression hurt, Everywhere." What about, "When your depressed where do you want to go, Nowhere." How about this, "What do you feel like seeing, No one." The larger percentage of … [Read more...]

The Law Of Love

                    Happy New Year everyone. I want to say thank you for supporting Living in Courage and to let you know how grateful I am. My vision for you is that 2013 be the most amazing year filled with love and light, leading you … [Read more...]

Use Your Words – Carefully

  Parents tell children "Use your words" to teach them language. As we become adults, we need to remind each other to use our words - carefully. Our words become our truth, so it is in our best interest to think before we speak. Words carry energy creating lasting impressions that can heal or … [Read more...]

Vision For Unity

                        Our vision for the future is critical to our success as a human race. We have come to a point in time where life as we knew it has shifted. This shift is going on daily, and as we adjust to the frequency … [Read more...]