Be An Exception – YOU Are Amazing!

                    Be an exception to the rule. When we think and act for 'ourselves' with the attitude that as an individual our needs and wants may be different from the next person, life gets more joy-full. Copying other people to fit … [Read more...]

Transformation Time Is Now

"Transformation is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. Out of this gift comes transformation for all."  -Debra Oakland Life is an ongoing activity of transformation. Spiritual growth helps us expand into our full potential. Change is difficult for people because stretching outside a … [Read more...]

Kelli Anderson – Disruptive Wonder for a Change

Kelli Anderson gives one of my all time favorite talks at TEDxPhoenix as she shares her disruptive and clever designs. Kelli says "Reject normal order and by messing things up and rearranging the pieces we can expand our notion of what we demand from reality." She presents three brilliant displays … [Read more...]

Happiness Is A Choice – Say YES!

The definition of happiness is different for each of us. Elizabeth Barrett Browning said “God have us two hands, one to receive joy and happiness, the other to give it away.” I have found it feels wonderful to give, and it also feels great to be open to receiving. Not knowing how to give or receive … [Read more...]

Empowerment is Soul Food!

Empowerment is food for the thirsty soul. The essence of power flowing through our cells, nourishing body, mind and spirit.  Don't you feel unstoppable when you think, feel and act empowered? I know I do. It feels good and you want to stay in that high vibration of energy.  Imagine living in a world … [Read more...]