The Musicality of Life

Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents.  - Ludwig Van Beethoven Life is music. Music is life. One of the most important components in any great movie is the rhythm of the music, which dramatically … [Read more...]

Recovering From Surgery With A Wicked Sense Of Humor – Part 2

Gratitude is the wine of the soul. Go ahead. Get drunk. - Rumi Part 2 of my courageous friend Jessie's recovery from a complicated lumbar fusion surgery is continued in her words - including several of her humorous Instagram posts. It's easy to see why everyone on "Team Jessie" are more than … [Read more...]

Recovering From Surgery With A Wicked Sense Of Humor – Part 1

Be kind to others. Your unassuming act of kindness might become someone's memory of a lifetime. A close friend Jessie recently underwent major back surgery. Similar to the back surgery Tiger Woods had....gnarly! Jessie has lupus and a laundry list of other things that led to the surgery. Her sister … [Read more...]

I Met A Man…

I had the pleasure of meeting the most remarkable man recently; a man who shall remain unnamed. I know he would approve with his big smile and a chuckle. As a small group of friends celebrated his 95th birthday recently, this wise and extremely savvy man shared bits and pieces of his life with … [Read more...]

What Do Your Refractive and Reflective Qualities Have To Do With Diamonds?

Simply by being your true authentic self, you gift the world with your presence. — Debra Oakland In the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Marilyn Monroe sang, “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend.” In fact, Monroe’s rendition of the song has been considered an iconic performance, copied by many … [Read more...]