How Do You Listen?

How do you listen? Have you noticed that many people are busy listening to their own thoughts, just waiting to form their next sentence as you are speaking? Is this listening? The words may be heard, but the attention is gone. I am guilty of this on occasion, so I felt a blog post would be of … [Read more...]

Inner Strength Trumps Outer Strength

"Inner strength is a powerhouse of activity that when exercised daily will take you beyond any levels of outer strength you can imagine."   - Debra Oakland The buzz about living from the inside out is everywhere these days. If you think this is easy, think again. If you want to fly more expansively … [Read more...]

Oh, The Critics!

Criticism, judgment, gossip, blame, worry, anger and fear. Oh, The Critics! This family of negativity turns our vibratory energy into molasses – quicksand to our good, making it very difficult to step out of, and just as dangerous. Choosing to engage in activities of love, peace, harmony, joy, and … [Read more...]

Mental Chatter Can Lead to Clarity

Mental chatter can lead to clarity. Today I had more than my share of chatter and needed some mental clarity. I found out that some important aspects of my upcoming book were not in order, this was news to me! Panic for a few minutes. Then, a bit of self-pity and distraction thrown in for good … [Read more...]

Validation – Internal or External?

Article by Debra Oakland Validation - internal or external? Do you need to feel validated and if so, how and why? I like to think of internal as living from the inside out, external - living from the outside in. Many people look to others for a sense of self-worth. It starts in childhood and … [Read more...]