Are you tired of people thinking for you? It is exhausting, and leaves you feeling unfulfilled. At birth we were each endowed with the Secrets of the Universe. Each one of us holds the key to our own destiny. Learning to de-program the illusions presented to us from the outside world can be … [Read more...]
Self Alignment – Are You In?
As I lay in bed with the strange sensation of vertigo, I have been contemplating life and the seeming inability for humanity as a whole, to change. I have often talked about the garden of our consciousness. Pulling weeds, then planting seeds of love, wisdom, peace, gratitude and grace. All … [Read more...]
Love vs Fear
“Loving can cost a lot but not loving always costs more, and those who fear to love often find that want of love is an emptiness that robs the joy from life.” -Merle Shain Take every chance on Love - Eliminate every Fear Love is who we are. More specifically, Divine Love is who and what we are, … [Read more...]
The Return To Innocence – Are You "In"?
Innocence exists in each of us. We came into this world free of judgment. Our senses loving, inquisitive, and at peace. There is no pretense in a very young child. Everyone loves a baby's innocence - which carries a sense of wonder. Perhaps reminding us who we are, how we have changed, and … [Read more...]
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