Wealth, Success & Love

I love this story, it is about courage and choice.  At this time many people are making new choices in many areas of their lives.  Some of these choices have been forced because of the present state of the economy and some just look at the world differently now.  Whatever the reason, it takes … [Read more...]

Be An Architect of Courage

I am so inspired by people right now.  I see people around the world coming together for great change.  In the face of change I see Courage. It is deeply ingrained in our essence, our soul.  Courage can be tracked through the history of the world, it is an essential part of our humanity. Maybe you … [Read more...]

Living In Courage vs Living In A Comedy Of Errors?

There is a party going on and I am not going to miss it, how about you.  Everyone loves a good party.  This party requires Courage. Where's yours? You may want to dust courage off and try it on. We the people have been putting up with a "Comedy of Errors" - a ridiculous farce that is coming to a … [Read more...]

F*** You Ego. This Is My Party & You Are Not Invited.

Ego & Control - Nasty duo those two.  Difficult to control and always on the move, looking for new blood. How about this.  Give yourself permission to control not being in control.  What do I hear? Oh - Freedom? Really?  I forgot you were there.  Peace - is that you?  Wow, it's a party.  Are … [Read more...]

Courage & Love Through Technology

Do you recognize that through technology (internet - cell phones) there is a quiet movement among people?  A movement towards peace.  Despite the collapse of many systems and the diversification of human destruction, there is a massive awakening.  People are becoming strengthened to face down the … [Read more...]