History – A Bizarre Script

“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift – that is why we call it the present.”  – Unknown Author

Times have changed, yet we are no closer to peace than we have ever been. Cycles flow through every age in time, and as history has shown – much of that history is HIS Story. Women have held the seat of power in times gone by and have been expertly extricated from this position. Women are the fuel of life, the givers of life. When this powerful energy shifted over centuries of time, so did the world.

I’m not trying to place the importance of female or male, one over the other. There is an equilibrium that has been lost, hijacked and hopelessly out of the hands of the many, and remains (quite precariously) in the hands of the few. You couldn’t write a more bizarre script, but it has been written and we are living it because we believe what we have been told. Those who wrote, continue to write, and edit the story have kept humanity separate, fearful, frustrated and at each others throats. For this, they are facing a smack down of unequaled proportions. Revelations are coming to light daily, and as they do the stories will reach a fever pitch. We see it in and around the world, on the news, in media. Oh, and pretty much everywhere you look.

“At some point we become wise enough to see the limiting walls we have built around ourselves. Taking action to release all that does not serve our life takes courage and inner strength. These walls of resistance are sometimes invisible, even to our own eyes. It’s easy to look at another persons life and see why things are not working out for them; yet, when we look at ourselves, we often miss what limits us.” – Debra Oakland

What’s the solution to this unending conundrum? Everyone seems to have an answer, just as every generation before us. From my vantage point, pretty much the same old story playing out. Look where it’s gotten us, and it’s cost. I wish I could push a magic button and we would all wake up. Although it makes me a bit sad, it also strengthens my resolve. I feel a strength, a power that is unshakable, incorruptible and ready for whatever comes next. I will stand in my power, imagining myself as an anchor for good, for integrity, for light, for peace. There are things we can’t change that end up changing us. I invite you to courageously stand with me.

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” – Jimmy Dean


  1. Appreciating your powerful closing comments and invitation. I accept and will stand with you, Debra! Thanks for being a courageous lighthouse.
    Got angel bumps reading this, “I feel a strength, a power that is unshakable, incorruptible and ready for whatever comes next. I will stand in my power, imagining myself as an anchor for good, for integrity, for light, for peace. There are things we can’t change that end up changing us. I invite you to courageously stand with me.”

  2. Thank you Debra! It does take immence courage for us to let go of what was and embrace what is. There is freedom in that! I have found so many gifts along my path through grief. Both my son and I have evolved in ways that would never have happened if my husband were still alive. I am grateful for all of it!!! <3

    • Debra Oakland says

      Kara, we can’t always see the silver linings until much later, but trust me, they are there for us. I am happy you have found yours!! xoxo

  3. Love this! Thank you for sharing!

  4. While personally very grounded, the “world stage” has me feeling as if my sails are in need of almost constant readjustment. Thanks for a powerful post.

  5. A bizarre and frustrating script indeed, Debra. Inspiring women like you are changing the script though, so I have hope 🙂

    • Debra Oakland says

      Each one of us can contribute to the script and how it plays out Lea – thank you for shining your light in the world! 🙂

  6. I appreciate your thought provoking posts, thank you Debra! I do stand with you. I also wanted to stop by and let you know I nominated you for the Liebster award. You can read about it here: https://connectingempathichelpersandartiststospirit.wordpress.com/2017/11/02/the-liebster-award/

  7. A wise Native American elder said a few years ago that it was time for women to take the reins and lead us. He said the men have taken us as far as they could but now it’s our turn. We certainly couldn’t do any worse. What we need is a little mothering!

  8. Debra I love your word and this stood out; Taking action to release all that does not serve our life takes courage and inner strength. That is so true, yest when we can release the hold of the limiting beliefs, the chaind that hold us back we then experience joy and inner peace xxoo