Owning the Courage to Live In Courage

Image of people lined up on a green hilltop looking at a sunrise and clouds

Have you noticed the landscape in the outer world has changed?

I know y’all, I have been beating the drum about a massive shift coming and I wanted you to be prepared to own the courage – to live in courage. To be able to adapt with fortitude in shifting times. The world as we knew it is a shadow of its former self.

A physical, mental and spiritual conundrum is just beginning.

I tell you this, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” Not to frighten you, just to let you know that when worldwide shifts occur, there is always fallout. Good and not so good. It’s important we adjust our mindset and perspective in regard to what was, and what will be. You may not believe it, but this point in time was inevitable – and a long time coming.

There will be changes in politics, science, education, access to quality air, water, land, and food/nutrition, health care, finance, and more. All of which affects each of us on a smaller to larger scale, depending on our personal circumstances. This all ties in to living a courageous life and owning it. Supporting family, friends, and those who may be confused, frightened, angry, or just in need of a listening ear. Kindness goes far and means the world to those in need. Share your wisdom, inner strength and fortitude with others. We have long been preparing for this, and the time has come.

Think of yourself as a Change Agent

Being here at a critical time in history is an extraordinary gift. We have work to do, so get your house in order my friends. It’s go time! Many of the changes I listed above we have control over, some we do not. Every personal choice we make affects the whole. It’s important to choose wisely if we hope to make a difference in our own lives, in our communities, and out into the world. We do ourselves a disservice thinking of ourselves as separate from others. What affects one, affects all.

Connect with people and mentors who strengthen your desire to make a difference. For example, my husband Cody and I place a high priority on where our food comes from and how it is grown. We research and connect with farmers of integrity, searching for the highest quality food and supplies. It’s taken me some time to find our sources, and the search continues. My monthly Living in Courage Newsletter, has a section on Health Hacks, where I share links to these fine sources, ensuring optimum health and well-being for you and your family. If you haven’t already, I invite you to sign up for my newsletter and share it with family and friends. This is one way I can be a change agent and support you. I express gratitude to all my subscribers and readers. Together – Strong and United. Divided we fall…


  1. Once again, you hit on some key points on the state of things happening right now. Also, the eggs are delicious.

  2. Love your new health hacks! Thanks for adding that!

  3. Another brilliant share Debra! Thank you for your continued leadership on all levels.

    • Debra Oakland says

      TYSM Donna – much appreciated. Congratulations on your leadership path out in the world!

  4. Another beautifully written article. I have lived a long life and have seen so many changes over the years in so many ways. I know change is coming from the new political administration. And I’m not sure what that means , but I believe that I can go with the flow and keep a positive attitude and live my life on my spiritual path whatever goes on. I guess we’ll just have to see. not only here, but it seems the whole world is in change.

    • Debra Oakland says

      Well said, BJ. Change is here for all of us. Worldwide change will always be constant—history has taught us that. Courage is a quality of life that assists us as we navigate our life journey.

  5. I think I’m ready. I hope I’m ready. I’M READY!

    • Debra Oakland says

      I know you are ready, Teresa! Big Thank you for sharing my book “Change Your Movie, Change Your Life” in your December Newsletter. Big Gratitude!