Wide image black birds sitting on wires against white background - panorama, high contrast, background.

Inspirational Quotes by Debra Oakland 

“This NOW moment = your Naturally Occurring Wonder!” – Debra Oakland

The condensed wisdom in quotes has inspired me to write quotes to provide inspiration for myself and others. My hope is that you find words of wisdom here that resonate, inspire and encourage you to live your best life.



“Courage can take us to the deepest part of our soul, where we find levels of reserve we did not know we had.”  – Debra Oakland

“Have the courage to love your humanity free as it seeks to balance the mind and heart.  In this balance you will find your freedom.”  – Debra Oakland

“Courageously triumph over your darkest hours and turn them into your most shining moments. Shift and Transform.” Debra Oakland

“Courageous individuals who are true to themselves feel a powerful resolve that is unshakable, a true conviction of purpose, a willingness to carry on in the face of any challenge.” – Debra Oakland

“Courage is a quality you gain by overcoming life’s biggest challenges, and something you become through experience.”  – Debra Oakland

“Courage belongs to everyone. It is an equal opportunity act that assists in the most challenging events in our lives.”  – Debra Oakland

“Courage is a quality we require to overcome life’s biggest challenges. The grieving heart reaches out for hope and understanding. As we connect to the courage within, allowing love and light to lead the way, healing can begin. Peace prevails as we hold those we have loved and lost in our timeless connection to all life.”  Debra Oakland

“Your courage is a beacon. Never hesitate to share your story—for those life challenges you have overcome may be the very light that guides others to their own.”  – Debra Oakland


“Within each of us lies the love, wisdom, and power to embody unity, peace, and abundance — our birthright. If we don’t claim it, who will? If not now, then when? The time to stand for love is now.

“Life goes on, seasons change, the world continues on it’s timeless journey. Our souls continues to experience the “human experience” with all it’s ups and downs. How we choose to experience it – our choice. Two ways forward — love or fear. ”  – Debra Oakland

“When the waters of life want to carry us back into the arms of  love and light, we must not cling to the shore in fear.”  Debra Oakland


“Create masterfully, courageously, fearless of opinion and watch your personal masterpiece emerge.” Debra Oakland

“Passion is the fuel of the soul, the backbone of creativity, igniting the flame within.”  – Debra Oakland

“Desire brings a living vitality to all the creations we want to manifest into our reality.”  – Debra Oakland


“The rhythm of resonance enlivens the human spirit and is a beautiful catalyst for transformation.” – Debra Oakland

“Absorb yourself in each moment, slowly savoring the gift of life. Your ‘Naturally Occurring Wonder’ exists NOW!”  – Debra Oakland

“At some point we become wise enough to see the limiting walls we have built around ourselves. Taking action to release all that does not serve our life takes courage and inner strength. These walls of resistance are sometimes invisible, even to our own eyes. It’s easy to look at another persons life and see why things are not working out for them; yet, when we look at ourselves, we often miss what limits us.”  – Debra Oakland

“The potential hidden within you is staggering. Shed the old layers and devote yourself to something of value that sings to the passion in your soul. Now you become the master of your destiny.” – Debra Oakland

“Simply by being your true authentic self, you gift the world with your presence.”  – Debra Oakland

“By aligning with the fiery passion of your soul, the gift you came here to deliver will be revealed.”  – Debra Oakland


“Push away everything that chips at your miracle.”  – Debra Oakland

“Our greatest adversity is our unwillingness to change the mental, physical and spiritual habits keeping us from our highest and greatest good.  By consciously making choices supporting our ideal life, our adversary becomes our ally.”  Debra Oakland


“Trust abundance is alive in every cell of your being. These cells need to be activated for action. Unplug from the outer world of distraction. Plug into your inner power source where abundance abides, waiting for your directive.” – Debra Oakland

“The only place you can live in the land of not enough, is in your own mind.”  – Debra Oakland


“Happiness doesn’t have a shelf life unless you put an expiration date on it.”  – Debra Oakland

“When the Universe asks you to dance, say YES!”  – Debra Oakland

“Life is Delicious. Devour it with joy in every cell of your body, mind and spirit.  You will see its perfect qualities reflected back to you in many ways, seen and unseen.”  Debra Oakland


“The rhythm of resonance enlivens the human spirit and is a catalyst for transformation.” – Debra Oakland

There’s a time to swim and a time to float. Swimming to the finish line can be exhausting. A little float time will carry us through with much less effort.”  – Debra Oakland


“If you can’t get out of the box people put you in, chew a hole in the corner and crawl out.”  – Debra Oakland

“Stillness in the winds of chaos is a mighty sword.”  – Debra Oakland

“Challenges are put in our pathway not to discourage us, but to call up the qualities of courage required to find the opportunity in the challenge.”  – Debra Oakland

“In the moments you feel overwhelmed, stop and check in with yourself. If you get the green light – continue. If you get a red light – re-route your course! It’s all about the joy-full journey, not rushing to the destination.”  – Debra Oakland


“Fear will steal the adventure right out from under you.  Love will take you on a magical mystery tour of unparalleled joy and delight.”  – Debra Oakland

Unkindness is an ugly neighborhood to live in, and one few people want to visit.”  – Debra Oakland

 “Are you ready to embrace your true power by rejecting your false identity?  – Debra Oakland

“Those who judge the most, trust the least.”  – Debra Oakland


“Gratitude is a drug.  It is free and non-toxic.”  – Debra Oakland

“Celebrate the life you have been gifted, for it is a sacred gift you have been entrusted with.”  Debra Oakland


“Forgiveness is everything the soul desires and the heart requires.”  – Debra Oakland


Debra’s Definition of Courage

Living in courage is a big, broad subject. I see courage as the will to act from the strength and power within the heart. Courage is a quality you gain through overcoming life’s biggest challenges and something you become through experience. Living a courageous life happens when we allow the true essence of who we are to rise up and shine for all the world to see – regardless of other people’s opinions. Courageous individuals who are true to themselves feel a powerful resolve that’s unshakable, a true conviction of purpose, a willingness to carry on in the face of any challenge.

Standing in the power of purpose is a pure point of courage, available to everyone who cares to utilize it, which brings forward the power alive within. If this power has been diminished greatly, when awakened it can shatter the fear of moving forward toward an intention or goal.

Greatness arises from mediocrity. Lives are altered as awareness shifts to possibility and progress. The union of courage and honor is a great gift within the heart of every human soul.

My deepest wish is for us all to live courageously from the heart. I can’t think of a better place to live from.

What is your definition of courage? I would love to hear from you.

Debra Oakland