Sung-bong Choi – A Sensation on Korea's Got Talent

The song you will hear recently brought tears to everyone's eyes on Korea's Got Talent. Sung-bong Choi was a sad young man who called himself a 'manual worker' living on his own since he was 5yrs old. He represents Living in Courage in many ways, and stories like these always tug at our … [Read more...]

What Is the Gift You Were Meant To Give?

Are you in the flow or out of the flow? We are either flowing with our good or going against it. How is the energy flow affecting each of our lives and how can we harness it? Watch this video of Oprah Winfrey for some insight. Oprah is a woman who delivers gifts of love to the world. What a … [Read more...]

Make Courage Your Travel Partner

CHALLENGE "Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction."   Recently "Life By Me" described me as a writer, joyful experiencer and courage advocate.  I will take that and run with it!  In the article I wrote for them I said "We’re incredibly powerful beings, and yet, as … [Read more...]

The Joy of Being You

I think about what is going on in the world 'outside' of me. It seems very surreal out there. I grew up in a more peaceful world, or so it seemed. I have learned that the world 'inside' of me is the most important place for me to live, move and have my being-ness. It is also the best way I can … [Read more...]

Be a Living Example of Encouragement & Inspiration

Enjoy this inspirational video of a football coach and his team. It is important to be a team player in life. When you are someone people look up to, there is a responsibility required of you. This applies to all areas of life. Being a living example to others takes courage. Do you have what it … [Read more...]