The Neglected Garden

My friend Steve Tallamy is a guest writer here at Living in Courage. Steve has written "The Neglected Garden" from the heart.  Steve is a nature lover who is very connected to Mother Earth, and her beautiful kingdoms. I look forward to sharing his articles once a month, which are sure to be filled … [Read more...]

How Was The Trip? A Story On Perspective

My friend Chris Cade shared this story recently and I want to share it with you.  I do not know the author, but love the wisdom his story bestows.  It's all perspective! One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how … [Read more...]

Dancing To The Tune Of Your Soul

Are you dancing rhythmically to the tune of your soul?  We all have a rhythm to our soul, through our breath, and the beating of our heart. Practice the art of being. Be in that space without doubt or fear. In this way, you remove the ego from your being-ness.  Allow love to permeate you.  This … [Read more...]

Transition Laguna Beach

I live in beautiful Laguna Beach, California.  A true resort and artist community, home of the "hippies" from the 60's to current day.  All walks of life enjoy living here.  Surfers and sunbathers crowd the beaches. We have activists, sports enthusiasts, tourists buzz through town all year long.  We … [Read more...]

Courageously Give The Wings Of Your Soul Permission To Fly!

Courageously give the wings of your soul permission to fly. What's that you say? By wings I mean taking control of your life, being the pilot of your destiny. Do you sometimes feel a bit stifled, like your wings are tied to your side, or are they flapping wildly, not able to gain enough momentum to … [Read more...]