The Courage Of Jack Hennings – Stem Cell Transplant Survival

I want to talk to you about my courageous friend Jack Hennings.  He has a miracle story, which speaks of Living In Courage to me.  In 1993 Jack found out he had Leukemia - Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia throughout his whole body.  At one point his bone marrow was 98% impacted, with only 2% viable and … [Read more...]


My Facebook friend Cari L Murphy is an inspiration to many people.  Cari's new bestselling book "Create Change Now" invites you to live a more abundant life.  If you are into spirit renewal and manifesting your dreams, this is a book I highly recommend for you.  This life is your journey.  I am here … [Read more...]

Gratitude is a Drug

Here is my newest quote at  Living in Courage - "Gratitude is a drug, it is free and non-toxic." Yep, free as the air you breathe.  You don't have to pay for it, travel around the world to find it, be rich, poor, educated, any particular race, color, creed or anything you can think of to find it.  … [Read more...]

Courageous Young Man at TED Global 2009

TED talks is a gathering of some of the greatest minds, mathematicians, and action oriented people from around the globe.  Each speaker gives a 20 minute talk or presentation.  I find TED talks  insightful, courageous, full of wit and inspiration. Visit the TED website  to watch archived videos. In … [Read more...]

I See Your Courage, Do You?

There are possibilities, probabilities and certainties in life.  There is believing, and then there is knowing.  There is perceptual mind (tree of knowledge, altered ego) the OLD mind set that loves to question your choices and dreams. That’s the hard way of doing things. Then there is the … [Read more...]