There is an ancient story of a wild pink rose of incomparable beauty and perfection. The rose knew it had only a short life in bloom, so time was precious, magical really. The very essence of the rose entered into each passerby who touched the beautiful petals. The rose held a soft pink with … [Read more...]
The Courage To Carry The Flame Of Freedom
Do you have the courage to carry The Flame Of Freedom? It is time for Unity. A time for the damaged hearts and minds of people who would do or cause harm - to stop. The fires of change have been lit. Many people now carry The Flame Of Freedom in their hearts and minds. Change is spreading quickly … [Read more...]
The Courage of Children's Book "Imagine That"
I have a most delightful friend in Rosemary Holmes-Gull. She has written the magical children's book "Imagine That" - a book of true inspiration that represents courage to me. Part of the proceeds from sales of the book go to "Mothers Without Borders." Rosemary's son Bentley did the beautiful … [Read more...]
Cancer Climbing Expedition To Africa – Sean Swarner
My friend Sean Swarner (A Courage Expert) and the Cancer Climbing Expedition are offering a Climbing Expedition/ Safari to Africa. I told Sean I would share this opportunity with you. How awesome would it be to spend some time with hero's who are truly Living In Courage? Here is a … [Read more...]
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