The Face of Courage Lives as Shamsia Schippert

This article posted by Steve Schippert caught my attention. Talk about Living In Courage!  We sometimes take for granted the freedoms we have in America.  This Afghan girl Shamsia at 17 carries so much determination, along with a powerful courage of conviction.  Read on. A teenage Afghan girl who … [Read more...]

Charter For Champions of Courage

We need to build a global community to come together in peace. This amazing video closes the barrier between religion and race. It is about being compassionate and caring for our fellow men, women and children across the globe. It is about living from that place of courage deep inside of you. This … [Read more...]

Living In Courage Asks – How Creative Are You?

Wouldn't it be wonderful to let our creativity be something that unites us, not separates us?  Welcome creativity flowing in and through your life. We are creators. We are directors. We are the architects of our own lives. How about directing your life by welcoming all the greatness life has to … [Read more...]

Stand Up With Courage & Clear Purpose With Obama

What an Incredible speech! Barack Obama said millions stood up with courage and clear purpose and we somehow managed to change the world. There is the promise to end this war in 16 months. He talks of Jefferson, Jackson, Roosevelt and Kennedy and how they led by principles, not by calculation, but … [Read more...]

Barack Obama – A Mighty Wind – Marianne Williamson

My friend Teri Hewitt-Ceplo from Hawaii sent this to me this morning.  Her friend Marianne Williamson wrote this wonderful tribute to Barack Obama.  I want to share it with you.  Here at Living in Courage we feel uplifted, hope, love and joy for this election outcome along with the future of the … [Read more...]