Accountability Counts!

“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.” - Theodore Roosevelt Many types of accountability branch out into different areas of our life. Imagine accountability as a tree with many branches, connected to the source of growth and … [Read more...]

Inspirational Gallery

Inspirational quotes and images that I am enjoying this month. I am excited to share them with you and hope you find value in them. We can all use inspiration in our lives to encourage us on the path forward. I like to think of quotes as condensed wisdom. Why do you think they are so popular with … [Read more...]

Healing Body, Mind & Spirit

Healing Body, Mind & Spirit is a three fold activity. Healing each of these three areas in a balanced way is important to your well-being. If one is out of balance the other two areas suffer. We are energy - everything is interconnected. Our cells talk to each other in their own unique … [Read more...]

Healing Sounds Comforting, But Can Be A Painful Process

Peaks & Valleys by Sheryl Brown "As an Artist, Coach and Marriage & Family Therapist, Sheryl practices art in more ways than one." My guest blogger this month is Sheryl Brown, who I met in 2008 when she painted (top image on right) Peaks and Valleys after reading about the loss of my loved … [Read more...]

Your Inner Spiritual Authority

Put  your Inner Spiritual Authority of power and influence behind every decision and action you take.  United with this inner power, you will discover the outer world serving you much more effectively. You need to be the change you wish to see in your reality. This change begins with the choices you … [Read more...]