Who Are We & What Have We Become?

Who are we and what have we become? Bickering, arguing, judging and criticizing each other when we claim to be love completely undermines our mission. Loving human beings living from the heart (which most claim to do) does a disservice to all life when fear and anger enter stage right and begin … [Read more...]

The Bigger Picture

What is the bigger picture? On the movie screen of life there is unrest. I know you have observed and/or felt the separation not only on the world stage, but in the personal lives of people around the world. Politics is the latest cause of unrest I am observing. Blame, criticism,  gossip, … [Read more...]

Forgive YOU! Why Should I?

How often have you said or thought, "Forgive YOU! Why should I?" Come on, be honest. We've all experienced people who have pushed our buttons, abused us either physically, mentally or verbally. Do you forgive a bully? Do you forgive those that "seemingly" hold power over you? How do you reconcile … [Read more...]


Serene, calm, and beautiful is how I would describe this photo of the sun rising over Corte Madera Creek. One of the reasons I love to get up early is the joy I feel as I see sunrises over the creek behind our home. The beautiful, calm, and serene views give me great joy and a feeling of serenity. … [Read more...]

Endless Possibilities

I have heard it said that our life is governed by immutable laws and principles that never vary. These laws are in operation in all time and places. I have also heard that every effect is the result of the cause, and that the effect becomes the cause, which creates other effects, and on it goes. … [Read more...]