Open Your Eyes & Your Heart

I was reading a quote today about how the difficult moments in our life have the potential to open our eyes and open our hearts. I realize life has been challenging for most people this last couple of years.  I also know that people are expanding their knowledge of the world around them.  Taking … [Read more...]

The Creatures Of Your Soul

The Creatures Of Your Soul - Steve Tallamy's Monthly Article Think of the creatures of the woodlands and forests as your soul; they are pure, shy creatures that only reveal themselves when they feel safe and in harmony with your physical presence. Crash your way through the undergrowth and you … [Read more...]

Are You Tired Of Others Thinking For You?

Are you tired of people thinking for you?  It is exhausting, and leaves  you feeling unfulfilled.  At birth we were each endowed with the Secrets of the Universe.  Each one of us holds the key to our own destiny.  Learning to de-program the illusions presented to us from the outside world can be … [Read more...]

Courage, Action & Well Being

Courage is constancy under the most trying of circumstances and action at the moment when it is needed most.  This statement that is applicable to life in many ways.  Replace the word courage with love, harmony, encouragement, inspiration, or peace.  These are concentrated actions that can assist … [Read more...]

Healing Our Planet Together

There are challenges before us in the world that seem insurmountable.  Our education teaches us about the difficulties the world faces, the difficulties we face as a human race.  This affects every one of us.  Inspiration is key because it inspires us to take action, to stand up and face … [Read more...]