The Creatures Of Your Soul

The Creatures Of Your SoulSteve Tallamy’s Monthly Article

Think of the creatures of the woodlands and forests as your soul; they are pure, shy creatures that only reveal themselves when they feel safe and in harmony with your physical presence. Crash your way through the undergrowth and you will see and hear nothing of nature and her companions, but sit quietly still and wait patiently for a while and you will gradually be able to sense their presence. Wait a little longer and you will tune into your environment and begin to hear their movements and songs until eventually they will show themselves to you with no fear of harm.

As with nature as with the soul; crash your way through life, taking no time to connect with your inner self and you will feel nothing but pain as your soul hides in the shadows not knowing who you or your intentions are. The only way to get in touch with and be able to understand your emotions is to find a stillness of the mind, sit quietly still and patiently for a while and you will gradually be able to sense the presence of your soul.

There are many theories on how to get in touch with your inner self, to discover who you are and to bring your mind, body and soul into harmonious balance; but as with various religious beliefs they all boil down to simplicity, finding a place away from everyday life, to be still for as long as you can manage and drift inside of yourself. I do this through nature, others may find music or simple silence does the trick and I am not here to tell you the best method, only you can find that out for yourself. All I can do is to share my own experiences of nature with you so that you can explore that route if you wish, and that is what I hopefully do here thanks to Debra.

I think I have become closer to nature and in turn to my inner being as I have grown older; I used to go for long walks in the countryside which looking back at now were more like an army route march and to quote and old saying, ‘I saw but did not see.’ But nowadays I take leisurely strolls, often not even getting to my predetermined destination; I stop, look, listen, touch and smell the things around me so often that I find myself no more than a mile or two on my journey after a couple of hours, but I have experienced so much more than if I had marched ten or twelve.

Make time in your life to sit and sense everything about you, really listen to a bird singing, really listen to the breeze through the trees, really smell, feel and taste those herbs you use every day to cook with and gradually you and your soul will greet each other in harmony.

Steve Tallamy